Wine and oil transport,
our expertise in
a bottle.

Arco Spedizioni has developed a long-standing
expertise in transporting wine and oil,
collaborating with high-profile customers and
dedicating to them the same passion and attention
that they have for their own products.


Arco Spedizioni has developed a long-standing expertise in transporting wine and oil, collaborating with high-profile customers and dedicating to them the same passion and attention that they have for their own products.


We guarantee the daily management of deliveries through Horeca and large-scale distribution channels with accuracy and at a predetermined date, or upon appointment at a time agreed with the recipient. We offer an additional porter service to the cellar and in all the historic centres, as well as during specific fairs and events.


We manage the packages in dedicated areas protected from the elements. You can also apply for insurance coverage.

Food transport, professionally made.

We have more than 200 insulated crates used to transport goods subject to HACCP regulations. This service is dedicated to the transport of stable and packaged food products requiring special precautions to be taken during storage and transport, as they cannot suffer temperature fluctuations. The loads are composed pursuant to Annex II, Chapter IV of Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004, enabling the transport of stable and packaged food products – such as preserves, drinks, tinned food, noodles and non-perishable goods – effectively separating them from other goods in order to avoid contamination. We keep the loading compartments for the transport of food products clean and perform regular maintenance on them to protect products from any source of contamination.

From storage to transport: temperature is under control.

Building on the experience of transporting dry food and wines, champagne and valuable wine-making products, Arco Spedizioni has improved its offer by expanding storage, processing and delivery services in environments at a constantly controlled temperature and with insulated crates.

Temperatures are monitored and have maximum oscillations from +10° to +22°C, whilst the humidity range is constantly kept between 60% and 85% thanks to a remote control system mapping the environmental climate through sensors, hence allowing for timely interventions on temperature and humidity in the premises.

Our innovative 24/7 monitoring, remote control and intervention system at our warehouses enable us to ensure constant room temperature and humidity rates.