Tenth Edition Wine & Siena – Capolavori del Gusto

Pubblicato il 18 December 2024

With great and renewed pleasure we confirm the presence of Arco Spedizioni S.p.A. among the Technical Partners of the tenth edition of the Wine&Siena – Capolavori del Gusto event: we will support the publisher for the transport and shipping service of the wine products present at the event that will be held from 25th to 27th January 2025.

The event is desired and organized by the wise minds behind the Merano WineFestival (The WineHunter) which, also on this occasion, saw the Monza company as Technical Partner in Alto-Adige.

Wine & Siena offers a food and wine walk in the historic palace of Santa Maria Della Scala, Palazzo Squarcialupi, combining art and food and wine, to discover the excellences that have received the recognition The WineHunter Award. For further information, please visit the website of the initiative: wineandsiena.com

Arco Spedizioni has gained a long experience in the transport of wines, the numbers reflect this characteristic: 125 branches, 1.700 customers in the world of wines, 1.000.000 shipments per year equal to 12.000.000 packages and 69.000.000 bottles.

The wine and spirits sector is large and varied, which is why it is essential to know how to listen to the different needs of all the players involved in the supply chain and to know how to offer increasingly personalized, diversified and customer-friendly services – underlines Boris Borgato, Marketing and Communications Manager of the company – every day we meet both Italian and European wineries of different sizes and production capacities, as well as national and international importers and distributors”.

Our #everywherewithcare continues – concludes Boris Borgato – which as a true motto guides us everywhere, doing it with care and passion, and sees us with pleasure alongside publishers of exclusive events in the Italian panorama. Events that for us are a showcase of excellence, but also and above all an opportunity to strengthen now annual and ten-year relationships with all our prestigious Customers present in the world of wine, olive oil and, more generally, agriculture. A sector, the one just described, which represents the true uniqueness of this extraordinary country that is Italy: recognized throughout the world for its beauty, for its art and for its ability to transform the fruits of the earth and of man’s work into incomparable products.

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